Friday, June 19, 2009

Urban Trials Riding

Danny Macaskill: this guy rides bikes like some people dream they could walk. It is like watching a free running video, but on two wheels. My favorite is the backflip off of the tree.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


"Live the questions now," I was once told that I was a very inquisitive person, with this I can agree. At times I follow in the footsteps of the great Curious George.

My most recent life model is a short run trip across the desert Southwest in November. With the economy in the tank and nothing to do until May I decided I might as well ride my bike.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I am antsy, you know what I mean, antsy where, you want to move, and shake, and run. Like a fire is burning inside and you can't put it out. I am antsy. I get this way when the doctors don't let me out of my cage, antsy. Jump. The moods come too fast they are up they are done, left right center. Antsy. It makes me want to scream, like I am twitching without movement. My face is straight but my mind is racing, you know antsy, I know you do.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Environmental Justice

Here is a great talk I found on about environmental justice in the South Bronx. I have heard about these issues before, they are prevalent everywhere including my home state of Texas, notably Houston's school district and port district. I am sure if you look around you will find it in your own cities. I enjoyed her talk and the work she is doing, cheers.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Monster

I sit with this pink machine, our motives at a standstill. To sew or not to sew is not the question, the question is how to sew, or more directly how to set up the sewing machine. As I sit and ponder this, the radio hums the tunes of Summertime, one of my favorite jazz pieces, this one on trumpet. I have a copy of Summertime on guitar by Doc Watson which is fantastic. I spent some time yesterday trying to figure it out, which makes this experience somewhat prophetic in nature. The fire is crackling in the stove but my hands are still cold. But I digress, back to the machine. One might well ask why a large twenty something male is trying to motive such a small pink machine into any kind of productivity, that question can be left aside for now as long as we accept that I feel the need to create, and currently that creation wants to find its true form under the needle. Now that that is settled to the machine itself. They are very complicated to the untrained eye, I have seen them in use before and been the unlearned operator of a properly adjusted machine on just one other occasion. So here I sit, with a distinctly pink contraption full of springs and strings trying to make end from end.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Some Thoughts

I get very worked up and concerned about our American cultural bent. I try to understand why it happens this way, outside of the monetary gain of a small portion of the world, and it does not make sense. So, I end up getting depressed, until I sit back and remember all of the good people out there sharing their lives with others. Working hard to make their little piece of the world a little better. There is a lot that can and has been done on a local level that goes under the cultural umbrella. As a recent ex-pat in Japan it seems easy sometimes to shun my home country and fret over the whole ordeal, but I find it more comforting to think about the good things that are going on. The folks at home who are talking and sharing and discussing options and the future. The small scale farmers, the family stores, the cyclists, doing their little bit to effect a change, voting with their dollars and their feet. The country is full of good people, some of its leaders ( elected and otherwise) are a different story.